Awards & Recognitions

Dr A V Umakanth, Principal Scientist and PI (Sweet Sorghum) was felicitated by Shri Aamir Khan, noted Bollywood Actor and Director Paani Foundation during the Farmer Cup Award Ceremony 2023 at Pune on 29th February 2024 for his untiring efforts on popularisation of sweet sorghum for biofuel production in India. Paani foundation is under MoU with ICAR-IIMR for promoting sweet sorghum for ethanol production in the dry lands of Maharashtra.

Appreciation Certificate from Shri CP Radhakrishnan, Honorable Governor of Jharkhand to ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad (Drs Sangappa and Mahesh Kumar) for Excellent Stall & stage arrangement to bring awareness about Shree Anna in the tribal area during the Eastern Region Agricultural Fair 2024 held at KVK, khunti, Jharkhand.

Dr Bonthagorla Subbarayudu is declared as "Fellow of plant protection association of India" by PPAI-Hyderabad in ICPHM held during November 15-18, 2023

Dr (Mrs) C. Tara Satyavathi, Director, ICAR-IIMR, receiving eminent scientist award from the Hon'ble Minister of State for Agriculture, Shri Kailash Chaudhary

Dr. Dayakar Rao, CEO of ICAR-IIMR, has been honored with “Best Scientist for Excellence in R&D on Millets” at “Millets & Organics - International Trade Fair 2023” which is being held in Bangalore, Karnataka from Shri. Narendra Singh Tomar Ji, Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare.

ICAR-IIMR received the “Best Institute Award for Research & Development in Millets” & “Best Incubation Centre for Research & Development in Millets” at “Millets & Organics - International Trade Fair 2023” which is being held in Bangalore, Karnataka from Shri. Narendra Singh Tomar Ji, Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. ICAR-IIMR was represented by Dr. C V Ratnavathi, Director, ICAR- IIMR alongside Dr. Dayakar Rao, CEO, IIMR-Nutrihub, Dr. J Stanley, Senior Scientist, ICAR-IIMR and Dr. V Ravi Kumar, ICAR-IIMR received the Award.

The Agriculture Leadership Awards 2022 of the Agriculture Today Group was bestowed on ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad for the leadership role and exemplary contribution to agriculture development and Farmers welfare. Dr. C.V Ratnavathi Director, ICAR-IIMR received the award from the hands of Honble Secretary DARE and DG ICAR at the 13th Leadership Award Ceremony held at New Delhi on 13 and 14.12.2022

Award for Best Scientist in Millet Value Addition was conferred to Dr. C.V Ratnavathi at National Nutricereal Convention 4.0

Dr A V Umakanth, Principal Scientist received the prestigious Padmasri Dr I V Subba Rao Raithu Nestham award 2021 on 30th October, 2021. The award was presented by Hon’ble Vice President of India Sri M Venkaiah Naidu ji and Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Govt of Andhra Pradesh, Sri Kannababu ji at Vijayawada.

All India Coordinated Research Project on Sorghum, ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad bagged the prestigious "Chaudhary Devi Lal Outstanding All India Coordinated Research Project Award 2019" during ICARs 92nd Foundation Day celebrations held on 16 July, 2020.

Dr B Subbarayudu, Principal Scientist is awarded with "Krishi Nestam" for his services for the benefit of farming community at Marripudi village of Guntur, AP on 8th January, 2020

ICAR- Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad bagged prestigious “Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award 2018” in the small Institute category, in recognition to its outstanding performance. This award was received by Director, Dr Vilas A Tonapi from Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare & President of the ICAR Society, in presence of Shri Parshottam Rupala, Union Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare; Shri Kailash Choudhary, Union Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Dr. Suhil Kumar, Secretary-ICAR and Additional Secretary - DARE, Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary -DARE & DG-ICAR, Dr. B Pradhan, Director Finance and Additional Secretary, ICAR and other dignitaries at the 91st Indian Council of Agricultural Research formation Day held on 16 July, 2019 at New Delhi.

Awards Dr. Padmaja for being conferred with NABS Best Woman Scientist Award of National Academy of Biological Sciences for the year 2018.
Fellow of National Academy of Biological Sciences for 2018.

AwardsAwardsDrs S Audilakshmi and C Aruna are being honoured for development of landmark Sorghum variety CSH 16 and contributing towards food and nutritional security of the country by The Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, New Delhi on 25 August 2019.

Dr Elangovan Maruthamuthu
has been awarded the Dr B R Barwale Award (2018) by Indian Society of Plant Genetics Resources

Dr. Parashuram Patroti, Scientist (Plant Breeding), CRS (ICAR-IIMR) was conferred with “Scientist of the year 2017-18 Award”for his excellent contribution in the field agriculture during 2017-18 on the occasion of International Conference on Advances in Agriculture and Allied Science Research held at Rama University, Kanpur from 23-24 February, 2019.

Dr B Subbarayudu is given LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD in international seminar on 'Climate resilience of agricultural biodiversity, technology and marketing policy' organized by University of Allahabad and SHUATS, Allahabad during 9-10th March, 2019.


Rythu Mitra is conferred in recognition of services rendered by Dr S S Rao in promotion and dissemination millets cultivation including value added technologies


Dr C Aruna is given SIRIDHANYA - Outstanding Scientist award in International Trade Fair organised at Bengaluru.

Krishi Ratna award is given to Dr B Subbarayudu in recognition of services for dissemination of cost effective technologies in rice fallows.

Certificate of appreciation is awarded to ICAR-IIMR, Hyderbabad for proactively implementing ICAR Research Data Management Guidelines and uploading all its Publications in KRISHI Portal. Dr KBRS Visarada, Principal Scientist receiving the award.

Dr. Parashuram Patroti is awarded "Neelamraju Gangaprasada Rao and N Kamala Gold Medal" during the Fourth Foundation Day of the Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU); 03-09-2018 for securing Highest Overall Grade Point Average in the University in Ph.D (Agriculture)-Genetics & Plant Breeding for the period 2014-15.

Dr. Amasidda Belundagi awarded bronze medal in long jump at the All India ICAR Sports meet

Indian Institute of Millets Research received the first ever SIRIDHANYA‐ R&D Excellence National Award ‐ 2018 instituted by Government of Karnataka, which was presented during the International Trade Fair on Organics and Millets

Dr. B Dayakar Rao, PS , IIMR has received the Innovative Scientist National Award under SIRIDHANYA: Millets Awards 2018 at the International Trade Fair on Organics and Millets He was honoured for his contributions towards the development of millet value chains, value added products and entrepreneurship development

Dr. Parashuram Patroti received Best Young Scientist Award during National seminar on Recent Trends in Plant Sciences and Agricultural Research held on 11-12 January 2018 at ZARS (MPKV), Solapur on the eve of Golden Jubilee year celebration of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeet, Rahuri.

Dr Elangovan received Best Assignment Award for assignment on "Geospatial Technology can be used fir Doubling the Farmers Income" on 25th November 2017 at NAARM

Dr. Amasiddha Bellundagi awarded gold medal for long jump at the South Zone Sports Meet, ICAR conducted at Coimbatore on 9th October 2017.

Dr Dayakar Benhur receiving Raithu Nestham 2017 award for excellence in value added millet promotion from Vice President of India, Venkaiah Naidu, AP Agriculture Minister S. Chandra Mohan Reddy and Telangana Agriculture Minister P. Srinivasa Reddy
on 3rd October 2017

Drs. Vilas Tonapi, KV Raghavendra Rao and Ravi Kumar Vemula, IIMR receiving Best Annual Report 2016-17 and Best Wall Calendar 2017 awards from Sri Bonthu Rammohan, His Worship The Mayor, GHMC Hyderabad at 2nd Telangana State Public Relations Conference, Hyderabad

Dr Vilas A Tonapi, Director and Dr Mahesh Kumar, Hindi Officer received Ganesh Shankar Vidhyarthi Pratham Puraskar (2015-16) for Hindi magazine Kadann Sourabh Vol. 6 published by IIMR, Hyderabad on 16th July 2017.


Dr N Kannababu awarded FELLOW of Indian Society of Seed Technology, in XIV National Seed Seminar held at IARI, New Delhi during 28-30 January 2017.

Samagra Vikas Welfare Society (SVWS) bestowed "Best Thesis Award" to Dr Parashuram Patroti, Scientist, CRS, ICAR-IIMR, Solapur for his outstanding contribution in the field of Agriculture on the occasion of International Seminar on Agriculture & Food for Inclusive Growth and Development during 14-15th Jan 2017 at NBRI, Lucknow.

Dr. Vilas A. Tonapi,received award for significant contribution in the field of seed science and Technology and to AICRP on NSP (CROPS) from honorable Director General ICAR, Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, in the presence of Dr. Ravindran, Vice Chancellor, Kerala Agricultural University, Dr. J S Chouhan, ADG (Seeds) and Dr .S Rajendraprasad, Director, ICAR-Indian Institute of Seed Science Research, on the eve of XXXI Annual Group Meeting of AICRP-NSP (Crops) during 19-21 April, 2016, Cochin, Kerala

Amasiddha Dr. Amasiddha Bellundagi,Scientist, Plant Breeding was conferred with 'Best Oral Presentation Award' for his paper entitled “Transfer of heat tolerant QTLs through MABB in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in the National seminar on "Breeding field crops for biotic and abiotic stresses in relation to climate change" held at VNMKV Parbhani on 28-29 March 2016.

Dr I K Das was awarded as "Fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society" at the 6th International Conference on "Plant, Pathogen and People- Challenges in Plant Pathology to Benefit Humankind, helad at NAS Complex New Delhi from 23-27 February 2016.


Dr. Parashuram Patroti, Scientist (Genetics and Plant Breeding) was conferred with "Young Scientist Award" during National Conference on Genetics and Cytogenetics held at UAS, Dharwad during 1-3 Feb, 2016. He received this award from honourable Vice-chancellor of UAS, Dharwad Dr. DP Biradar and Dr. PM Salimath Vice-chancellor of UAS, Raichur.

Best Oral presentationMs G Sangeeta bagged the best oral presentation award ( First prize) a the International conference on "Emerging Biotechnologies" at Warangal during 28-30 Jan 2016.

Best Paper AwardDr Rajendra R Chapke, Senior Scientist (Extension) of IIMR received “Best Paper Award” in International Conference on “Good Governance in Agricultural Extension” held at Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad during 3-4 September, 2015

AwardDr M Elangovan, Principal Scientist of (Genetic Resources/Economic Botany), IIMR received the Award of Fellow of Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources for the year 2013 from the ISPGR at NBPGR, New Delhi on 5th March 2015.

Rythu Bandu AwardDr B. Subbarayudu, Senior Scientist received the Rythu Bandhu Award 2014 on 27th November, 2014 at Sundarayya Vignan Kendra, Baghalingampally, Hyderabad, Telangana, India by Nest Foundation

Young Scientist AwardDr. Rajendra R. Chapke, Senior Scientist (Agricultural Extension), DSR has been awarded with YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD 2014 by Society of Extension Education(SEE), Agra during 7th National Extension Education Congress 2014 (7NEEC) held at ICAR Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya from November 8-11, 2014.

JVP Award Dr Jagannath Vishnu Patil has been elected Fellow of the Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding at the 70th Annual General Meeting on 8th Nov 14 at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.

Centre of Excellence DSR, Hyderabad has been awarded "Centre of excellence" for seed production by ICAR during IX Annual Review Meeting of ICAR Seed Project on "Seed production in agricultural crops" held at PJTSAU and ANGRAU, Hyderabad from 22-23 September, 2014. This award has been given to Dr Vilas A Tonapi and DSR team under the leadership of Dr J V Patil, Director, DSR

Protsahan Puraskar

Drs. JV Patil, Director and VR Bhagwat, Principal Scientist, DSR receiving the Protsahan Puraskar under ICAR's “GANESH SHANKAR VIDYARTHI HINDI KRISHI PATRIKA PURASKAR” for DSR's Hindi Magazine “JOWAR SOURABH VOL.3” from Shri Arvind R Kaushal, Additional Secretary (DARE) & Secretary (ICAR) in the presence of Dr. S Ayyappan, Secretary, DARE & DG, ICAR and Dr. Gurbachan Singh, Chairman, ASRB on 28 April, 2014.

Hospitality Award

DSR received the Best Research Institute 2013 award from South Indian Hospitality Association for development and commercialization of novel sorghum product technologies.


Directorate of Sorghum Research (DSR) was awarded the Best Innovator for Food Processing Technology by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Hyderabad for the massive innovation brought by the DSR with regard to sorghum and millets food processing in the country.

Dr Dayakar Rao has been conferred as a "Fellow of National Academy of Dairy Sciences"

First Prize to Vol. 3 of DSRs Hindi Magazine “Jowar Saurabh” From Town Official Language Implementation Committee-Hyderabad-Secunderabad constituted by the Dept. of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India.

Dr J V Patil has been awarded "Fellowship of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences"

Dr. JS Mishra has been awarded "Fellow of Indian Society of Agronomy" during 3rd International Agronomy Congress at New Delhi.

Dr Shyam Prasad G and Dr Padmaja PG have been awaded "Fellow of Plant Protection Association of India"

"Karyaalay Deep" award to Directorate of Sorghum Research, From Rajbhasha Sansthan, New Delhi.

Vasant Naik Award to Dr JV Patil

Vasantrao Naik Award 2012 to Dr J V Patil for Excellent Marathi Literature on Millets Processing for enterpreneurship development from Government of Maharashtra.

Dr B. Subbarayudu received Outstanding Scientist Award from AP State govt towards promotion of sorghum cultivation in rice fallows in Andhra Pradesh on 13 Mar 2012

Agricultural Literature Award 2010 to Dr J V Patil, From Government of Maharashtra.

“Best DUS Test Centre Award”, From PPV&FRA Annual Day on 11/11/11 from Dr RS Paroda, Ex DG, ICAR.

RAJBHASHA SHIELD to DSRs Hindi Magazine “Jowar Saurabh”, From Town Official Language Implementation Committee-Hyderabad-Secunderabad constituted by the Dept. of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India.

“ICAR Woman Scientist Award 2010” to Dr. S Audilakshmi ICAR’s “Panjabrao Deshmukh Outstanding Woman Scientist Award for the year 2010.

ISEE Fellow Award for Dr. Chapke, By the Indian Society of Extension Education (ISEE) from Dr. Gautam Kalloo, Hon’ble, Vice-Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya (JNKVV), Jabalpur on Sep 27-29, 2011.

“Distinguished Service Award" to Dr. Chari Appaji, By the Society of Biological Sciences & Rural Development, Allahabad.

Recognition for Dr Visarada, Elected as a member of “Plant Tissue Culture Association (India)".