Zonal Technology Management Centre

South Zone of Crop Science Institutes
ICAR- Indian Institute of Millets Research

ZTMC Chairman: Dr. (Mrs) C Tara Satyavathi, Director, ICAR-IIMR
ZTMC Nodal Officer: Dr. B Dayakar Rao, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IIMR
ZTMC Co-Nodal Officer: Dr. J. Stanley, Senior Scientist, ICAR-IIMR

ZTMC ICAR-IIMR include the Institute Technology Management Units (ITMU) of ICAR Institutes viz.,

S. No. Name of the Institute
1 ICAR – Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad
2 ICAR- Directorate of Groundnut Research, Junagadh
3 ICAR- Indian Institute of Soybean Research, Indore
4 ICAR- Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad
5 ICAR- Central Institute of Cotton Research, Nagpur
6 ICAR-Central Research Institute Jute and Allied Fibres, Barrackpore
7 ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack
8 ICAR- Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad
9   ICAR- National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru  
10 ICAR- Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore
11  ICAR- Central Tobacco Research Institute, Rajahmundry

ZTMC ICAR-IIMR also include the Agri-Business Incubators (ABI) of ICAR Institutes viz.,

Institute Technology Management Council, ICAR-IIMR

  1. 1. Dr. (Mrs) C Tara Satyavathi, Director IIMR & Chairperson ITMC
  2. 2. Dr. S.K. Soam, Principal Scientist, NAARM, Hyderabad & External Expert Member
  3. 3. Dr. B. Dayakar Rao, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IIMR
  4. 4. Dr. Venkatesh Bhat, Principal Scientist, & Incharge PME, ICAR-IIMR
  5. 5. Dr. I.K. Das, Principal Scientist & Incharge, SRC, ICAR-IIMR
  6. 6. Mrs. Ritu Dalal, SAO, ICAR-IIMR
  7. 7. Mr. Shaik Rukman, FAO, ICAR-IIMR
  8. 8. Dr. J. Stanley, Sr Scientist & Nodal Officer ITMU, Member Sec. ITMC
  9. 9. Dr. Amasiddha B, Scientist & Co-Nodal Officer, ITMU

Institute Technology Management Unit

  1. 1. Dr. (Mrs) C Tara Satyavathi, Director IIMR & Chairperson ITMU
  2. 2. Dr. B Dayakar Rao, Principal Scientist & Nodal officer, ZTMC
  3. 3. Dr. J. Stanley, Nodal Officer, ITMU
  4. 4. Dr. Amasiddha Bellundagi, Co-Nodal Officer, ITMU

Technologies Ready for Commercialization

  1. 1. Millet Cultivars
  2. 2. Millet Value added Products
  3. 3. Millet Product Technologies for Commercialization